We have been planning the start of a teens program at Lauzon MMA for about a month and a half now, and it is finally here. It is tough enough running an adult class because of the diversity in size/strength/skill/etc… but with kids it can be even tougher because a few years in age is a big deal. 25 to 30 isn’t a huge gap in an adult class, but 9 to 14 is a lifetime. We thought running a teens program for those that are a little too much for the kids class but not quite big/old enough for the adult class.
We are looking for kids in the age range of 12 to 17 for this class, but we will make exceptions when needed. These classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6pm… which is the same time as the normal kids classes. This make it easy for parents with one more than kid to get everything done at once, and not have to juggle more than 2 nights at the gym.
The teens class will be run by Mike Bouffard and Paul Garabedian. Mike and Paul have been training at Lauzon MMA since they were both teens, and we are sure this will make for a great fit.
If you have any questions, be sure to join the Lauzon MMA Facebook group and let us know.